Every roof is unique, which makes every roofing problem unique as well. Consider this. A building that houses a welding company is simply going to perform differently than a building that houses a self-storage business. The welders will certainly produce more heat, humidity, corrosive by-products and higher concentrations of vapor, making a much more dramatic impact on the building and its roof over time. These kinds of circumstances must be taken into consideration when designing a roof, which is why we don't design our systems to be product specific. Rather, tailor-make and we craft your individual roof to solve your unique roofing problem with the highest quality products that provide the specific benefits your building and those within it require. We've done our homework by researching, testing and comparing all of the available products out there. Our White Guard, White Armor and White Shield roofing systems are a set of standards that rate the warranty, durability, age in the field, reflectivity, insulation R-Value, self-drying ability and the environmental sustainability of each manufacturers product accordingly. This approach provides you with the perfect products that best suit the needs of your building and your budget. By changing the way entire roofing systems are designed, we make sure the elements don't stand a chance of making an impact on your building. Or you.