You'll find higher quality materials, more environmental sustainability and a longer lasting design than a typical 'middle-of-the-road' roof with our White Armor Roofing Systems. We double the quality, double the life expectancy of a typical tar and gravel roofing system and double your peace of mind, yet we keep it comparable in price. This system comes with a 20-year warranty with a 30 year proven life expectancy and a 20% increase in R-Value thanks to additional insulation we provide over top of your buildings existing insulation. Depending on the specific roofing problem that needs resolving and the requirements of your building and its occupants, a White Shield Roofing System utilizes up to 60 mil. membranes from trusted suppliers who have proven themselves worthy in the field and not just on paper. If you're looking for a great roof at a great price that provides great protection from pretty much anything nature throws at it, forget about replacing your existing tar and gravel roof and consider a White Armor roof instead.